Criterios de Evaluación Noviembre:
20% Libro y Cuaderno.
30% Participaciones, Trabajo en clase.
50% Práctica Oral y (presentaciones) y Evaluación (quizz).
Temarios por Materia, Grado y Nivel.
Literature, 1er grado, Básico, Sec. I y II
Unit 3.- Studying Abroad.
Chapter. 1.- Choosing to Study Abroad.
* Getting ready: English speaking countries.
* Advertisement reading and listening. Aim: Using subtitles to predict content.
* Words: Similars and strange in a group.
* Vocabulary Skill: Compound words, rules and definitions.
* Sentence practice.
Unit 4.- Money and Budgets.
Chapter. 1.- A Student's Budget.
* Getting ready: Analyzing a book's budget, create a personal budget.
* Magazine article reading and listening. Aim: Skimming for main ideas.
* Word definitions.
* Vocabulary Skill: The prefixes -in, -ex.
* Sentence practice.
Science, Human Biology, 1er grado, Avanzado, Sec. VI, VII
Chapter 3.- Food and Digestion.
Section 1.- Food and Energy.
* Nutrition and energy.
* Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fat, Vitamins and Minerals, Water.
* Study of key terms.
* Assessment and Analysis.
Section 2.- Healthy Eating.
* The Food Guide Pyramid.
* Food Labels.
* Study of key terms: Percent Daily Value, Dietary Reference Intake.
* Assessment and Analysis.
Section 3.- The Digestive Process Begins.
* Functions of the digestive process.
* The mouth, the esophagus, the stomach. Mechanical and Chemical processes.
* Study of key terms: saliva, enzime, mucus, peristalsis, pepsin.
* Assessment and Analysis.
Use of English, 2do grado, Intermedio, Sec. III y IV
Unit 3.- Room for Improvement.
* E-mails reading and book exercises.
* Money and shopping vocabulary.
* Noun and verbs into Adjectives.
* Grammar: The Future (will, be going to, shall.)
* Listening and book exercises.
* Grammar: Certainty, Probability, and Possibility (modal verbs.)
* Extra practice on grammar.
Environmental Science, 2do grado, Avanzado, Sec. V y VI
Chapter 2.- Ecosystems and Biomes.
Section 1.- Energy Flow in Ecosystems.
* Energy Roles: Producers, consumers (herbivores, omnivores, carnivores, scavengers,)
and decomposers.
* Food Chains and Food Webs.
* Energy Pyramid.
* Assessment and Analysis.
Section 2.- Cycles of Matter.
* The Water Cycle (evaporation, condensation, precipitation.)
* The Carbon and Oxygen Cycles.
* The Nitrogen Cycle.
* Assessment and Analysis.
Section 3.- Biogeography.
* Continental Drift (Pangaea.)
* Means of Dispersal (wind, water, living things including humans.)
* Limits to Dispersal (Physical Barriers, competition, climate.)
* Assessment and Analysis.