Dear students:
I hope you enjoy the projects this month are going to be developed. Next I describe the evaluation criteria for all the groups.
15% Book and Notebook.
15% Participation in class,
40% Classwork and Oral practice.
30% Project.
Bitácora de trabajo por Mes, Materia, Grado y Nivel

Unit 3 Landscapes (page 24 - 31)
October 20 * Vocabulary. Urban and rural landscapes
October 22 * Prepositions of place. Across, over, past, through, along,
October 24 * Grammar. Some, any, countable and uncountable nouns
October 24 * Grammar. a little, a few, many, much, a lot (of)
October 27 * Vocabulary. Fox Hunting: ban, cruel, damage, economy, illegal,
law, out-dated, respect, upper-class
November 10 * Grammar. Articles a / an / the
November 12 * Everyday English: Describing pictures
* Word skill: Extreme adjectives exhausted, tiny, terrified, terrible,
huge, freezing, fabulous, great
** Pronunciation and Free oral practice in all tasks.
Oral Project: Describing a city.
October 27
In teams, students will research about a city in their country or another country. They will divide the tipoc in parts such as the profile of the city, important places to visit, food, activities, rules and regulations.
October 29
Each team will have a class for organizing the information, the material to use and the order of appearance in the presentation,
October 3 and 5
Finally, they will present the information to their partners in a space of ten minutes per team.
* The project should be written in the notebok and signed by the parents
* Each team should deliver a written work (summary), 1 per team after the speech
Chapter 2 Circulation and Respiration
Section 1.- The Cardiovascular System (30 - 35)
October 28 * Blood vessels: Arteries, veins, capillaries
* Cardiovascular problems: Atherosclerosis, hypertension,
a stroke, a heart attack, a heart failure
Section 2.- Blood (36 - 39)
November 11 * Concept of blood and three main functions
November 13 * Blood components: Plasma, red blood cells (hemoglobin), platelets,
white blood cells (pathogens, antibodies)
* Blood pressure. Systolic and diastolic
* Blood types: A, B, AB, O; (antigens)
* Blood transfusion
Section 3.- The Lymphatic System (40 - 43)
November 11 * Concept and functions of the lymphatic system
November 13 * Main components: Lymph capillaries, lymph vessels, tonsils,
thymus, lymph nodes, spleen,
* Two main parts of the spleen. Red pulp and white pulp
Section 4.- The Respiratory System (40 - 43)
November 11 * Concept and function of the respiratory system
November 13 * Identifying the difference between respiration and breathing
* Main components: Nose, pharynx, larinx, trachea, bronchus,
lungs, diaphragm
* Cellular respiration
* Respiratory disorders. Asthma, emphysema and severe acute
respiratory disorder (SARS)
November 18 * Questionnaire on the three organ systems, writing and solving
November 20 * Questionnaire on the three organ systems, writing and solving
Oral Project: Describing an organ system.
In teams, students will study about a given organ system. They will divide the tipoc in parts according to the lecture in their book.
November 4
Each team will have a class for organizing the information, the material to use and the order of appearance in the presentation,
November 11 and 13
Finally, they will present the information to their partners in a space of ten minutes per team.
* The project should be written in the notebok and signed by the parents
* Each team should deliver a written work (summary), 1 per team after the speech
Unit 3 A good job (page 24 - 31)
October 22 * Vocabulary. Jobs that they know in English
October 24 * Vocabulary for work. phone, public, challenging, shift, paid,
own, charge, customers, skilled and unskilled, work part.time,
team, earn, hour.
October 27 * Grammar. Relative pronouns who, which, whose, where
* Grammar. Defining relative clauses
* Vocabulary in context. Degree, course, education, graduates, university
November 7 * Grammar.Non-defining relative clauses
November 12 * Reading. Woman's work?, A man's world?
* Grammar. Suffix -ess to identify a woman's job, identifying neutral jobs
November 14 * Grammar. Question tags
Unit 4 Body and Mind (page 34 - 41)
November 19 * Vocabulary. Parts of the body, body injuries and body idioms
** Pronunciation and Free oral practice in all tasks.
Oral Project: Describing a city.
October 27
In teams, students will research about a city in their country or another country. They will divide the tipoc in parts such as the profile of the city, important places to visit, food, activities, rules and regulations.
October 29
Each team will have a class for organizing the information, the material to use and the order of appearance in the presentation,
November 3 and 5
Finally, they will present the information to their partners in a space of ten minutes per team
* The project should be written in the notebok and signed by the parents
* Each team should deliver a written work (summary), 1 per team after the speech
Chapter 2 Cycles in Nature
Section 2.- Ecological Succession (36 - 39)
October 28 * Concept of succession and pioneer species
* The five stages or steps in primary succession
* The four stages or steps in secondary succession
* Concept of mature communities, climax species and biodiversity
Chapter 3 The Earth's Ecosystems
Section 1.- Land Biomes (50 - 56)
November 11 * Concept of Biome
November 18 * Types of biomes: Forests (Deciduous, coniferous, tropical),
grasslands (savanna), deserts, tundra (polar and alpine)
Features: rain, temperature, humidity, flora and fauna, location.
Topic analysis. Questions related to "What if.." stating the dangers of unbalancing the ecosystems
Oral Project: Describing a biome.
In teams, students will study about a provided biome. They will divide the tipoc in parts according to rain, temperature, humidity, flora and fauna, location.
November 4
Each team will have a class for organizing the information, the material to use and the order of appearance in the presentation,
November 11 and 18
Finally, they will present the information to their partners in a space of ten minutes per team.
* The project should be written in the notebok and signed by the parents
* Each team should deliver a written work (summary), 1 per team after the speech
Chapter 2 Cycles in Nature
Section 2.- Ecological Succession (36 - 39)
October 28 * Concept of succession and pioneer species
* The five stages or steps in primary succession
* The four stages or steps in secondary succession
* Concept of mature communities, climax species and biodiversity
Chapter 3 The Earth's Ecosystems
Section 1.- Land Biomes (50 - 56)
November 11 * Concept of Biome
November 18 * Types of biomes: Forests (Deciduous, coniferous, tropical),
grasslands (savanna), deserts, tundra (polar and alpine)
Features: rain, temperature, humidity, flora and fauna, location.
Oral Project: Describing a biome.
In teams, students will study about a provided biome. They will divide the tipoc in parts according to rain, temperature, humidity, flora and fauna, location.
November 4
Each team will have a class for organizing the information, the material to use and the order of appearance in the presentation,
November 11 and 18
Finally, they will present the information to their partners in a space of ten minutes per team.
* The project should be written in the notebok and signed by the parents
* Each team should deliver a written work (summary), 1 per team after the speech