Contenidos de Diciembre por Materia, Grado y Nivel.
Guías de Examen de Diciembre por Materia, Grado y Nivel.
December cover page
Contents and Evaluation criteria
Module 4.- Science Fiction
A) Reading strategies for identifying words
- scanning
- squimming
- word parts
B) Oral presentation
- Research
- Logistics and material
- Exposition
Reading plus activities:
* Weekly work: 2 See Reading, 2 Read Around, 2 I Balance tasks
* Work time: 30 minutes on Monday and 30 minutes on Wednesday
* Grade: The usage of the platform will be considered
* Checking: The teacher will check students' progress every Monday
* Reports: Every student that does not complete the 6 weekly activities
on time willbe reported with their parents.
* Rewards: 3 combos in a month will give you an extra point. (a combo
is 2 readings in a row with 80% or more comprehension)
Evaluation Criteria
70% Reading Plus Online Activities
10% Quiz
10% Classwork
10% Speaking ability
Module 3.- Shopping
- prices, items, expressions, money
- Conversation strategies
Module 4.- Science Fiction
- characters, casting, producers, movie directors, movie profile
- Conversation strategies
Study all notes in the notebook
December cover page
Contents and Evaluation criteria
Unit 4.- At Home in the World
Reading Strategies review and use.
* Comparison
Lecture: Why the sun and the moon live in the sky (mith)
- Key words in context
- Idenitfying mith and storytelling
Lecture: Earth and space (science article and journal)
- Key words and academic vocabulary (individual)
- Definition and use in context
- Jargon and specialized language
Lecture: So you're going to Mars (science fiction)
- Key words and academic vocabulary (individual)
- Definition and use in context
Guide to December exam. Provision and practice.
Reading plus activities:
* Weekly work: 2 See Reading, 2 Read Around, 2 I Balance tasks
* Work time: 30 minutes on Monday and 30 minutes on Wednesday
* Grade: The usage of the platform will be considered
* Checking: The teacher will check students' progress every Monday
* Reports: Every student that does not complete the 6 weekly activities
on time willbe reported with their parents.
* Rewards: 3 combos in a month will give you an extra point. (a combo
is 2 readings in a row with 80% or more comprehension)
Evaluation Criteria
50% Reading Plus Online Activities
30% Exam
20% Classwork
Reading Strategies analysis: The nine original strategies plus
chronological order and problem and solution.
Unit 3.- Making a Difference
Lecture: The Civil Rights Movement (history article)
- Key words and academic vocabulary
- Definition and use in context
- Prefixes. Meaning and use in context.
(dis, un, re, non, in, de)
Lecture: From "I Have a Dream" (speech)
- Glossary of unknown vocabulary
- Identifying the top five dreams from the speech
Academic vocabulary
- organize, analyze, evidence, individual
Unit 4.- At Home in the World
Lecture: Why the Sun and the Moon Like in the Sky - (mith)
- Glossary of unknown vocabulary
- Identifying miths and storytelling
Lecture: Earth and Space (Science article and journal)
- Key words and academic vocabulary
- Definition and use in context
- Understanding Jargon or specialized vocabulary
("in other words" part of the lecture)
Academic vocabulary
- definition, purpose, unique, relate
Study all notes in book and notebook
December cover page
Contents and Evaluation criteria
Chapter 2.- Stars, galaxies and the universe
Section 3. Galaxies
- Types of galaxies
- Contents of galaxies
- Origin of galaxies
Section 4. Formation of the Universe
- Universal Expansion
- The Big Bang theory
- Structure of the universe
- Age of the universe
- Expanding forever
Guide to December exam. Provision and practice
Evaluation Criteria
40% Exam
20% Classwork
20% Homework
20% Speaking ability
Chapter 2.- Stars, Galaxies and the Universe
Section 1. Stars
- Color of stars: blue / red // cold / hot
- Composition of stars
* The color of light (spectrum)
* Making an ID
* Spectrograph (continuous and absorption spectrum)
- Classifying stars (Color and temperature)
- The brightness of stars (Apparent and absolute magnitude)
- Distance of stars (Measurements in light years / Parallax)
- Motion of stars (Apparent and actual stars' motion)
Section 2. The Life Cycle of Stars
- The beginning and end of stars: process
- Different types of stars (main-sequence, giant, supergiant, white dwarfs)
- The H-R tool for studying stars
* Ejnar Hertzsrung and Henry Norris Russel
* Graph reading
- Objects after a star's explosion (supernova, neutron star, pulsar, black hole)
Section 3. Galaxies
- Types of galaxies (Spiral, elliptical, irregular)
* The Milky Way
- Contents of galaxies ( nebula, globular cluster, open cluster)
- Origin of galaxies (quasar)
Section 4. Formation of the Universe
- Cosmology
- Universal Expansion
- The Big Bang Theory
* A tremendous explosion
* Cosmic background radiation
- Structure of the universe
* A cosmic repetitio
- Age of the universe
- A forever expanding universee
Study all notes in book and notebook