Primera Semana de Actividades:* Speaking
* Diagnostic Test - 1st grade
* Formation of Sections
* English Regulations
* Vocabulary: Activities and Games
* Introduction to topic: Notebook Exercises
Criterios de Evaluación Contínua, Septiembre:
(20%) Cuaderno: Márgenes, fecha, número de ejercicio, ejercicios completos y
bien desarrollados, presentación impecablemente limpia y clara.
(20%) Libro: Fecha, número de ejercicio, ejercicios completos y
bien desarrollados, presentación impecablemente limpia y clara.(20%) Quiz: Fecha, nombre, respuestas completas y acertadas,
presentación impecablemente limpia y clara.
(40%) Trabajo en clase y Práctica Oral: Uso del idioma inglés en clase, interacción
con la profesora y compañeros, repetición oral, trabajo en la totalidad del
tiempo de clase.
100% Total de la calificación.
Temarios por Materia, Grado y Nivel:
Use of English, 1er grado, Preliminary.
Review.- Welcome Section
* Greetings and Introduction.
* The verb be / Possessive adjectives.
* Have / Has Got.
* Colors / Rooms and furniture.
* There is / There are.
* Prepositions of place.
* Activity verbs / Imperatives.
* Adverbs of frequency.
* Object pronouns.
* Can / can't for ability.
* Places / Time.
* Clothes / money and prices.
Science, Human Body, 1er grado, Upper Level.
Chapter 1.- Body Organization and Structure.
Sec.1.- Body Organization.
*Cell, tissue, organs, organ systems.
Sec. 2.- The Skeletal System.
* Bone structure, joints, bone injuries.
Sec. 3.- The Muscular System.
* Kinds of muscles, movement, injuries.
Sec. 4.- The Integumentary System.
* Skin functions and structure, hair and nails.
Use of English, 2do grado, Higher Level.
Review.- Welcome Section
* Past simple: regular - irregular verbs.
* Food: countable - uncountable nouns.
* Much / many - some / any
* Comparative and superlative adjectives.
* Multi-word verbs.
* Future: will - won't - be going to. Expressions for future.
* too + adjective.
* Adverbs.
* Lexis: the weather.
* First conditional.
* Adjectives for feelings and opinions. Personality adjectives
* Modals: should-shouldn't.
* Present perfect with ever - never.
Environmental Science, 2do grado, Upper Level.
Chapter 1.-Interactions of Living Things.
Sec.1.- Everything is Connected.
* Ecology, biotic - abiotic factors, levels of organization:
organism, population, community, ecosystem, biosphere.
Sec. 2.- Living Things need Energy.
* The energy connection: producers, consumers (herbivore, carnivore, omnivore),
decomposers; food chain and webs, energy pyramid, balance in ecosystems.