
" To have another language is to possess another soul."


"Dominar otro idioma es como tener una segunda alma."


domingo, 19 de enero de 2014

Begin the Year with Enthusiasm! / !Empieza el Año con Entusiasmo!


Criterios de Evaluación Enero 2014: 

30%  Trabajo en clase.
          (Incluye el total del tiempo de clase dedicado a las labores educativas)
30%  Práctica Oral
         (Incluye interacción con el maestro, estudiantes, participaciones, y dudas
         expresadas en el idioma inglés)
40%  Libro y Cuaderno.
         (Incluye trabajos con fecha, grado, grupo, sección, y márgenes; que estén
         Completos, correctos e impecablemente limpios)

Guía de Estudios por Materia, Grado y Nivel

Use of English, 1st grade, Advanced, Sec. VI, VII

CONTENTS  (January) 

Unit 3.- Art & Music (page 30 to 35)

Part 3.-
* Vocabulary: Identifying music buttons: images and names.
* Vocabulary: Identifying musical objects in different times: images and names. 
Unit 4.- A Hopes & Fears (page 42 to 49)

Part 1.-
* Reading: When I grow up, identifying important hopes and likes.
* Grammar: hope, plan, want and would like for future indefinite hopes.
  Look forward to, for definite future plans; be going to for decided plans.  

Science, Human Body, 1st grade, Intermediate, Sec. III, IV

CONTENTS  (January)

Chapter 3.- The Digestive and Urinary System.
Section 2.- The Urinary System. (page 66 to 69)
* Definition and functions of the urinary system.
* The main organs: Definition and function:
   Kidneys, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra; nephron
* Process of how kidneys filter blood.
* How water acts in the urinary system.
* Urinary system problems: Bacteria infections, kidney stones,
   Kidney disease. 

Use of English, 2nd grade, Advanced, Sec. VI, VII
CONTENTS  (January) 

General Review on Future Tenses
* Grammar: Future simple, continuous and perfect.

Unit 3.- Land & Sea (page 30 to 37)

Part 1.-
* Grammar: Modal verbs for speculation in present and past situations. 

Part 2.-
* Reading: Magic Places, question making about the topic; aim: comprehension.
* Review on passive voice, basic terms.
* Grammar: Indefinite passive. 

Science Environmental, 2nd grade, Intermediate, Sec. III, IV 

CONTENTS  (January) 

Class game on general topics review: Chapter 1, 2, 3 

Chapter 3.- The Earth’s Ecosystems.
Section 3.- Freshwater  Ecosystems. (page 64 to 67)
* Description of stream and rivers ecosystems.
* Description on ponds and lakes (fig. 2, page 65)  
* Definition on concepts: Litoral zone, open water zone, deep water zone.
* Definition on wetland ecosystems: marsh and swamp.
* Process from a lake to a forest.  


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