Continuous Evaluation Criteria
40% Classwork (Book and notebook)
20% Speaking
20% Homework
20% Quiz / Project
Contents (November) and Logs (October) by Subject, Grade and Level.
November cover page
Evaluation criteria
Chapter 1: A geographer's world
Section 3.- The Branches of Geography
* Physycal geography
* Human geography
* Other fields of geography
- Economic, urban, cartography
Chapter 2: PLanet Earth
Section 1.- Earth and the Sun's energy
* Earth's movement
* The seasons
Section 2.- Water on Earth
* Earth's water supply
* The water cycle
* Water and people
October cover page
Evaluation criteria
Blog activities
Chapter 1: A geographer's world
Section 2.- Geography themes and essential elements
* The five themes of Geography
* The six essential elements
Complete this project in two sheets of paper to deliver to your teacher.
Name: __________________________________________________
Grade and group: _______________ Sec: ________ Date: ____________
Complete the charts with the past simple and past participle forms of the
verbs given. You will need one sheet of paper for each chart.
Copy the verbs in the two charts like these ones. Use the colors you want.
You will need five different colors.
Your last day of delivery is November 22, Wednesday.
November cover page
Evaluation criteria
Unit 3.- House and Home
* Vocabulary: Urban and rural landscapes
* Vocabulary: Prepositions of movement (across, over, past, through, along)
* Grammar: Quantifiers some, any, much, many, a lot of, a little, a few
* Word skill: Fox hunting vocabulary
* Grammar: Articles a-an-the
* Vocabulary: Farm lexis
* Vocabulary: Farm lexis
* Vocabulary: Holiday activities
* Grammar: Extreme adjectives
General cover page
Evaluation criteria
Blog activities
Unit 2.- Winning and Losing
Past simple and Continuous
Verbs: Regular and Irregular past forms
Free time activities
Sports vocabulary
Collocations: sports and games
Complete this project in two sheets of paper to deliver to your teacher
Complete this project in two sheets of paper to deliver to your teacher
Grade and group: _____________ Sec: _______ Date:_________
Complete the "regular verbs" chart with the verbs given. Classify them
for their ending sound in English. There are three different sounds.
Complete the "irregular verbs" chart with the past simple and past participle forms.
Copy the verbs in the two charts like these ones. Use the color you want.
You will need six different colors.
Your last day of delivery is November 22, Wednesday.
Nocvember cover page
Evaluation criteria
Unit 9.- Achievements
* Lesson 2: Past time clauses
* Lesson 2: Past time clauses
* Lesson 3: Past progressive
Unit 10.- Human and animal encounters
* Lesson 1: Adjectives
* Lesson 2: Adjectives of manner
* Lesson 3: Adjectives and adverbs with too, vaery, enough
* Lesson 2: Adjectives of manner
* Lesson 3: Adjectives and adverbs with too, vaery, enough
General cover page
Evaluation criteria
Blog activities
Unit 8.- Travel
* Lesson 3: Simple past, affirmative statements
Unit 9.- Achievements
* Lesson 1: Simple past. Questions and short answers
* Lesson 1: Simple past. Questions and short answers
Complete this project in two sheets of paper to deliver to your teacher.
Grade and group:_______________ Sec:___________ Date: _________
Complete the "regular verbs" chart with the verbs given. Classify them
for their ending sound in English: There are three different sounds.
Complete the "irregular verbs" chart with the past simple and past participle forms.
Copy the verbs in the two charts like these ones. Use the colors you want.
You will need six different colors.
Your last day of delivery is November 22, Wednesday.
November cover page
Evaluation criteria
Unit 2.- Water for Life
* Water at work (social science article)
* Review on reading strategies for comprehension and lexis:
Main ideas, monitor, synonyms and antonyms
Unit 3.- Natural Forces
* Volcano! (science article)
* Review on reading strategies for comprehension and lexis:
Science article elements, cause and effect, make connections, word parts
* Fleeing Katrina (Journal)
* Review on reading strategies for comprehension and lexis:
Author's viewpoint, make connection s, critical thinkingcompare media
Unit 4.- Creepy classics
* Frankeinstain (Fantasy)
* Review on reading strategies for comprehension and lexis:
Character development, visualize, word parts
General cover page
Evaluation criteria
Blog activities
Unit 1.- Finding your own place
* Familiar Places
* Reading strategies for text comprehension:
predicting, setting a purpose, making inferences, visualizing, synthesizing,
asking questions
*Reading strategies for vocabulary learning:
monitoring, making connections, context clues.
Unit 2.-
* The Secret Water (Summary)
* Reading strategies for text comprehension:
predicting, setting a purpose, making inferences, visualizing, synthesizing,
asking questions
*Reading strategies for vocabulary learning:
monitoring, making connections, context clues.
November cover page
Evaluation criteria
Chapter 2.- Cycles in Nature
- Water Cycle: processes
- Carbon Cycle: processes
Section 2.- Ecologycal Succession
- Nitrogen Cycle: natural and fixation
* Primary succession
- pioneer species
* Secondary succession
* Mature communities
- climax species, biodiversity
October cover page
Evaluation criteria
Blog activities
Chapter 1.- Interactions among Living Things
Section 3.- Types of Interaction
* Limiting factors and carrying capacity
* Three types of interaction: competition, predation (predator - prey)
and symbiosis
* Predator and prey defense strategies
* Three types of symbiosis: commensalism, mutualism, parasitism
(parasite - host)
* Coevolution