Exam Evaluation Criteria
40% Exam
20% Classwork (Book and notebook)
20% Speaking
20% Homework
Contents (December) and Logs (November) by Subject, Grade and Level.
Cover page
Evaluation criteria
Chapter 2: PLanet Earth
Section 1.- Earth and the Sun's Energy
* The seasons
Section 2.- Water on Earth
* Earth's water supply
* Water Cycle
Guide to December test and review.
Cover page
Evaluation criteria
Chapter 1: A geographer's world
Section 3.- The Branches of Geography
* Physycal geography
* Human geography
* Other fields of geography
- Economic, urban, cartography
Chapter 2: PLanet Earth
Section 1.- Earth and the Sun's energy
* Earth's movement
Project: A visit to Universum museum. Topic: "Population"
Cover page
Evaluation criteria
Unit 4.- Lights, camera, action
* Vocabulary: Movie genres
* Vocabulary: Adjectives describing movies
* Grammar: Comparative adjectives
Guide to December test and review
* Vocabulary: Adjectives describing movies
* Grammar: Comparative adjectives
Guide to December test and review
Cover page
Evaluation criteria
Unit 3.- House and Home
* Vocabulary: Urban and rural landscapes
* Vocabulary: Prepositions of movement (across, over, past, through, along)
* Grammar: Quantifiers some, any, much, many, a lot of, a little, a few
* Word skill: Fox hunting vocabulary
* Grammar: Articles a-an-the
* Vocabulary: Farm lexis
* Vocabulary: Farm lexis
* Vocabulary: Holiday activities
* Grammar: Extreme adjectives
Project: Chart with regular and irregular verbs (past and past participle forms)
December cover page
Evaluation criteria
* Lesson 1: Adjectives
Unit 10.- Human and Animal Encounters
* Lesson 1: Adjectives
Guide to December test and review
Cover page
Evaluation criteria
Unit 9.- Achievements
* Lesson 2: Past time clauses
* Lesson 3: Past progressive
Project: Charts with regular verbs according to the three pronunciations,
and irregular verbs with past and participle forms.
Cover page
Evaluation criteria
Unit 4.- Creepy classics
* Frankeinstain (Fantasy)
* Review on reading strategies for comprehension and lexis:
Character development, visualize, word parts
Independent Lecture: The count of Monte Cristo, 2nd. Chapter
Guide to December test and review
Cover page
Evaluation criteria
Unit 2.- Water for Life
* Water at work (social science article)
* Review on reading strategies for comprehension and lexis:
Main ideas, monitor, synonyms and antonyms
Unit 3.- Natural Forces
* Volcano! (science article)
* Review on reading strategies for comprehension and lexis:
Science article elements, cause and effect, make connections, word parts
* Fleeing Katrina (Journal)
* Review on reading strategies for comprehension and lexis:
Author's viewpoint, make connection s, critical thinkingcompare media
Independent Lecture: The count of Monte Cristo, 1st. Chapter
Project: Chart with regular verbs in past according to the three pronunciations,
and irregular verbs with past and participle forms.
Cover page
Evaluation criteria
Chapter 3.- The Earth's Ecosystems
Section 1.- Land Biomes
* Concepts of biome, deciduous, evergreen, canopy, permafrost, tree line
* Forest (Temeprate deciduous, Coniferous, Tropical)
* Grasslans (Temperate, savanna)
* Desert
* Tundra (Polar, Alpine)
Identifying location, temperature, rainfall, animals, plants, main features
Guide to December test and review
Cover page
Evaluation criteria
Chapter 2.- Cycles in Nature
- Water Cycle: processes
- Carbon Cycle: processes
Section 2.- Ecologycal Succession
- Nitrogen Cycle: natural and fixation
* Primary succession
- pioneer species
* Secondary succession
* Mature communities
- climax species, biodiversity
Project: A visit to Universum museum. Topic: Water, element of Life.
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