Evaluation Criteria October:
40% Exam
20% Oral Practice
20% Classwork
20% Homework
Guías de Examen de Octubre por Materia, Grado y Nivel.
Guide to October Quiz
Module 1.- Communication
Elements of communication
Conversation: small talk.
- Creating a biography based on profile
- Grammar review: subject-object pronouns, possessive pronouns and adjectives,
Module 2.- Communication Development
Inventions about oral and written communication:
- Telephone, television, radio, cell phone, skipe
- Newspaper, magazines, books
Study all notes in your notebook
Guide to October Exam
Unit 1.- Decision Point
Reading Strategies analysis
Lecture: A lion hunt (autobiography)
Key words and academic vocabulary (analyze)
- Definition and use in context
- Suffixes (use in context)
Lecture: From Kenya to America and back again (profile)
Key words and academic vocabulary
- Definition and use in context
Unit 2.- Stand or Fall
Reading Strategies review and use.
Lecture: The Three Chicharrones (modern fairy tale)
- Key words and academic vocabulary (definiton, affect)
- Definition and use in context
- Cognates (words similar in English and Spanish)
Lecture: Dragon, dragon (short story)
- Key words
- Definition and use in context
Critical point of view development
Study all notes in book and notebook
Guide to October Exam
Chapter 1.- Studying Space
Section 1. Astronomy, the original science
- General data:
* Astronomy
* Year, month, day
- Astronomers: Names and contributions.
* Ptolemy, Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, Galileo,
Issac Newton, Edwin Hubble.
Section 2. Telescopes
- Optical telescopes
* use, focal point definition,
- Refracting telescopes
* definition and diagram (figure 2, page 9)
- Reflecting telescopes
* definition and diagram (figure 2, page 9)
- Optical telescopes and the atmosphere
* how atmosphere affects the light gattered by telescopes
- Electromagnetic spectrum
* James Clerk Maxwell
* Electromagnetic spectrum
* Color of light definition; wavelengths definition
* Speed of light: 300,000 km/s on air; 225,000 km/s though water
* Visible light wavelength
* Invisible light wavelength:
A) bigger than visible: radiowaves, microwaves, infrared.
B) Shorter than visible: ultraviolet, X-rays, gamma rays.
Section 3. Mapping the stars
- Constellations
* definition and examples
- Astrolabe
* Elements (zenith, altitude, horizon) and definitions
- Celestial sphere
* Elements (celestial equator, ecliptic, right ascencion, declination)
and definitions
* Measuring right ascencion in hours; declination in degrees
* Vernal equinox
- Nicolaus Copernicus discovery
- Measuring stars
* light year definition
- The doppler effect (redshift and blueshift)
Study all notes in book and notebook