Evaluation Criteria October:
40% Exam
20% Oral Practice
20% Classwork
20% Homework
Contenidos de Octubre por Materia, Grado y Nivel.
October cover page
Contents and evaluation criteria
Module 2.- Communication Development
Inventions about oral communication:
- Telephone, television, radio, cell phone, skipe, and others
- Team work: Presentation of topic in teams
Written communication: The world of books
- Literary genres
- Comics
- Story development
Guide to October exam. Provision and review.
October cover page
Contents and evaluation criteria
Unit 2.- Stand or Fall
Reading Strategies review and use.
Lecture: The Three Chicharrones (modern fairy tale)
- Key words and academic lexis
- Cognates (words similar in English and Spanish)
Lecture: Dragon, dragon (short story)
- Key words and academic lexis
- Synonyms and antonyms
Guide to October exam. Provision and review
October cover page
Contents and evaluation criteria
Chapter 1.- Studying Space
Section 3. Mapping the stars
Constellations, seasonal changes, measuring distance in space
Chapter 2.- Stars, Galaxies and the Universe
Section 1. Stars
Color, composition, classifying stars, distances, motion
Section 2. The life cycle of stars
Beginning and end, types, tools for studying stars, age
Guide to October exam. Provision and review
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