
" To have another language is to possess another soul."


"Dominar otro idioma es como tener una segunda alma."


domingo, 27 de enero de 2019

Give your Best with Love and Joy! / Da lo Mejor con Amor y Alegría!

Temarios para Examen de Febrero por Materia, Grado y Nivel.
Criterios de Evaluación


February Cover Page
Contents and Evaluation Criteria

70% Reading Plus activities online
10% Classwork
10% Speaking ability
10% Quiz

Module 6.- Tour in the City 

A) Tour places in the city
- Vocabulary: adjectives
- conversation strategies

B) What have you done?
- Personal experiences
- Present perfect review
- conversation strategies

Reading plus activities:

* Weekly work: 2 See Reading, 2 Read Around, 2 I Balance tasks
* Work time: 30 minutes on Monday and 30 minutes on Wednesday
* Checking: The teacher will check students' progress every Monday
* Reports: Every student that does not complete the 6 weekly activities
                    on time willbe reported with their parents.



Evaluation Criteria  

15%   Reading Plus Online Activities  
15%  Continuous Evaluation
70%  Exam

Reading Strategies analysis: The nine original strategies plus
   chronological order and problem and solution.

Unit 2.- Stand or Fall

Lecture: The Three Chicharrones (history article)
- General overview

- Emphasis on characters
- Cognates. Words that are similar in English and Spanish:

   Examples are family, circle, bank, ranch, dance, action, pause, train, 
   definition, famous, etc.
- Academic vocabulary: definition, affect

Unit 3.- Making a Difference

Lecture: The Civil Rights Movement (history article)
- Key words and academic vocabulary 

- Definition and use in context

Academic vocabulary
- organize, analyze, evidence, individual

Unit 4.- At Home in the World

Lecture: Earth and Space (Science article and journal)
- Key words and academic vocabulary 
- Definition and use in context
- Understanding Jargon or specialized vocabulary

   ("in other words" part of the lecture)
Academic vocabulary
- definition, purpose, unique, relate

Unit 5.- Our Precious World

Lecture: Siberian Survivors (Science feature)
- Key words and academic vocabulary 
- Definition and use in context
- Understanding Jargon or specialized vocabulary

 Academic vocabulary
- context, research

Lecture: Mireya Major (Online article)
- Key words and academic vocabulary 
- Definition and use in context
- Understanding Jargon or specialized vocabulary
Academic vocabulary
- specific

Definition on the type of text from unit 2 to unit 5
- Example: myth, modern tale, science article, historical article, speech, etc.
   (from the texts that have been analyzed in class)

Study all notes in book and notebook

Reading plus activities:

* Weekly work: 2 See Reading, 2 Read Around, 2 I Balance tasks

* Work time: 30 minutes on Monday and 30 minutes on Wednesday
* Checking: The teacher will check students' progress every Monday
* Reports: Every student that does not complete the 6 weekly activities
                    on time will be reported with their parents.



Evaluation Criteria  

15%   Book and Notebook activities  
15%   Classwork, Speaking ability
70%  Exam


Chapter 1.- Studying Space

Section 1. Astronomy, the original science
- Astronomers: Names and contributions. (graphics)
  * Ptolemy, Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, Galileo, 
     Issac Newton, Edwin Hubble.

Section 2. Telescopes
- Optical telescopes: U
se, focal point definition, 
- Refracting telescopes: De
finition and diagram (figure 2, page 9)
- Reflecting telescopes: Definition and diagram (figure 2, page 9)
- Optical telescopes and the atmosphere
- Electromagnetic spectrum
   * James Clerk Maxwell
   * Electromagnetic spectrum
   * Color of light definition; wavelengths definition
   * Speed of light: 300,000 km/s on air; 225,000 km/s though water 
   * Visible light wavelength, invisible light wavelength: 
         A) bigger than visible: radiowaves, microwaves, infrared. 
         B) Shorter than visible: ultraviolet, X-rays, gamma rays.

Section 3. Mapping the stars

- Constellations: Definition and examples
- Nicolaus Copernicus discovery
- Measuring stars: Light year definition
- The doppler effect (redshift and blueshift)

Chapter 2.- Stars, galaxies and the universe

Section 1. Stars
- Stars: 
Color and composition of stars
- Spectrum
- Classification of stars
- Apparent and absolute magnitude
- Distance and motion of stars: apparent and actual motion

Section 2. The life cycle of stars
- The beginning and end of stars; three main types

   main-sequence, red giant, white dwarf
- The H_R diagram
- After a star's explosion: supernova, neutron star, pulsar, black hole

Section 3. Galaxies
- Types of galaxies: spiral, milky way, elliptical, irregular

- Contents of galaxies: nebulas, globular and open clusters
- Origin of galaxies: quasars

Section 4. Formation of the Universe
- Universal Expansion:
 The Big Bang theory
- Cosmic background radiation
- Structure of the universe: sequence of events
- Age of the universe
- Expanding forever

Chapter 3.- Formation of the Solar System 

Section 1. A solar system is born
- The solar nebula and components: gases (hydrogen and helium) 

   and dust (carbon and iron)
- Gravity pulls matter together: Figure 2, page 65
- Pressure pulls matter awayFigure 2, page 65
- How the solar system is formed: sequence of events.

Section 2. The sun: our very own star
- The structure of the sun: Core, radiative zone, convective zone, 

   photosphere, chromosphere, corona
- Energy production in the sun: nuclear fusion
Solar activity: sunspots and solar flares.

Study all notes in book and notebook.


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