Evaluation Criteria Science Evaluation Criteria Literature
10% Classwork 50% Reading Plus
10% Speaking Ability 50% Exam
10% Homework
70% Exam
Temarios de examen para Febrero por Materia, Grado y Nivel
Temarios de examen para Febrero por Materia, Grado y Nivel
February Test Guide
Chapter 1.- Particles and their behavior.
* States of matter: definition, properties, examples and graphics
(solid, liquid, gas, plasma)
* Reversible changes in matter: melting and melting point, freezing
and freezing point, boiling and boiling point.
* Evaporation, condensation, sublimation definitions
* Difussion, gas pressure definitions
Chapter 2.- Elements, atoms and compounds
* Elements: definition, examples and chemical symbols (page 31, page 39)
* Atom: number of types in nature
* Compound and molecule definition, examples and graphics
* Chemical formula definition and examples
Chapter 3.- Reactions
* Chemical reactions:
(definition, reversible, not reversible, clues to find it, uses, speed, catalysts,
physical and chemical changes, drawings in notebook)
(definition, reversible, not reversible, clues to find it, uses, speed, catalysts,
physical and chemical changes, drawings in notebook)
* Word equations:
(definition, reactants and products, word equations, hazard, risk)
(definition, reactants and products, word equations, hazard, risk)
* Burning fuels:
(definition, examples, combustion, coal, petrol, fossil fuels, hydrogen, oxidation,
(definition, examples, combustion, coal, petrol, fossil fuels, hydrogen, oxidation,
* Thermal decomposition:
(definition of decomposition, hydrogen peroxide, thermal decomposition,
examples of carbonates)
* Conservation of mass:
(definition, energy, energy transfer, balanced symbol equation, examples)
(definition of decomposition, hydrogen peroxide, thermal decomposition,
examples of carbonates)
* Conservation of mass:
(definition, energy, energy transfer, balanced symbol equation, examples)
Chapter 4.- Acids and alkalis
* Acids: definition and examples.
* Alkalis: definition and examples.
* Ph: definition and values for acids, alkalis and neutral solutions.
* Concentrate and dilute solutions
* Neutralisation: definition and process.
* Base: definition and examples
* Salts: definition, composition and examples
Note: Study all notes, drawings and questionnaires in book and notebook.
Note: Study all notes, drawings and questionnaires in book and notebook.
CHEMISTRY C1 Unit Opener (Contents)
Chapter 4.- Acids and Alkalis
4.3 Neutralization:
Base solutions
4.4 Making salts:
Acids and metals
CHEMISTRY C2 Unit Opener
Chapter 1.- Metals and non-metals
1.1 Metals and non-metals,
Periodic table
Guide to Frebruary exam. Provision and practice.
February Test Guide.
CHAPTER 1.- Perseverance
* Around the World in Eighty Days (chapter XX) Lecture and vocabulary
* Jules Verne Bioggraphy
Literary analysis:
* Lecture characters: Phileas Fog, Aouda, Detective Fix, Passepartout servant
and Tankadere's Captain John Busby.
Grammar Review:
* Regular and Irregular verbs in present, past, and past participle
Linguistic Study:
* Definition and benefits of bilingualism, minimal pairs, cognates; examples
(pages 24, 25, 31 with numbers)
CHAPTER 2.- Possibilities
* "A Sound of Thunder" (By Ray Bradbury) Lecture and vocabulary
* Ray Bradbury biographyGrammar Review:
* Adverbs: definition, examples. Adverbs finished in "-ly" and not containing it,
* Gerunds: definition, examples and use in context.
Written expression:
* The essay: definition, thesis and supporting statements, types of essay
(page 52)
CHAPTER 3.- Creation
* "Frankenstein or the modern Prometheus" (By Mary Shelley)
* Mary Shelley biography
Grammar Review:
* Adverbs: definition, examples. Adverbs finished in "-ly" and not containing it,
Written expression:
* The essay: definition, thesis and supporting statements, types of essay
(page 52)
CHAPTER 4.- Consequences
* "Crime and Punishment"
* Fiodor M. Dostoevsky biography
Literary analysis:
* Euphemisms
Linguistic Study
* Image and word association
* Weekly work: Six activities
* Work time: 30 minutes on Monday and 30 minutes on Wednesday
* Grade: The usage of the platform will be considered
* Checking: The teacher will check students' progress every Monday
* Reports: Every student that does not complete the 6 weekly activities
on time willbe reported with their parents.
NOTE: Study all notes in book and notebook.
CHAPTER 4.- Consequences (Contents)
* "Crime and Punishment"
Literary analysis:
* Euphemisms
Linguistic Study
* Image and word association
Written expression:
* The murder in the Rue morgue
Guide to February exam. Provision and practice.
Reading Plus activities:
* Weekly work: Six activities
* Work time: 30 minutes on Monday and 30 minutes on Wednesday
* Grade: The usage of the platform will be considered
* Checking: The teacher will check students' progress every Monday
* Reports: Every student that does not complete the 6 weekly activities
on time willbe reported with their parents.
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