Online Classes to Literature (see your section)

CHEMISTRY C2 Unit Opener
Chapter 2.- Separation Techniques
Chapter 2.- Separation Techniques
2.1 Review on Mixtures
Mixtires and compounds, pure and impure substances, examples
2.2 Solutions
Solvents and solutes, process, graphic process
2.3 Solubility
Saturated solutions, solubility and temperature, examples
2.4 Filtration
Filtering process, filtration uses
2.5 Evaporation and Distillation
Evaporation process and uses, distillation to obtain solvents
2.6 Chromatography
Definition, process, chromatogram, examples.
2.6 Chapter summary
A Summary in sentences with the key point of these topics

Section IV
Dear students: On Wednesday, we are going to have an online
class, so I give you the information you need to enter. See you then. Have a
nice day.
Service provider: Cisco Webex
Time: mié 6 may 2020 1pm – 1:40pm (CDT)
Link: https://profevirtual-latam.webex.com/profevirtual-latam/j.php?MTID=m9b237a816c8191ba5f10a53ec4b5574e
Password: KPc46mH3NQh
reunion number (access code): 844 391 118
Section V
Dear students: On Thursday, we are going to have an online
class, so I give you the information you need to enter. See you then. Have a
nice day.
Service provider: Cisco Webex
Time: jue 7 may 2020 1pm – 1:40pm (CDT)
Password: V7Nf5SPpem2
reunion number (access code): 843 285 265
Short Stories
* Excellency = My Creativity
* What is Science?
* Existentialism
* Sci-Fi Literature
Reading comprehension, vocabulary
Literature Classics
* The adventures of Tom Sawyer
* Don Quijote
* Robinson Crusoe
Biographies, reading comprehension, vocabulary, expressions' analysis
Reading Plus activities:
* Weekly work: Six activities
* Work time: 30 minutes on Monday and 30 minutes on Wednesday
* Grade: The usage of the platform will be considered
* Checking: The teacher will check students' progress every Monday
* Reports: Every student that does not complete the 6 weekly activities
on time willbe reported with their parents.
Reading Plus activities:
* Weekly work: Six activities
* Work time: 30 minutes on Monday and 30 minutes on Wednesday
* Grade: The usage of the platform will be considered
* Checking: The teacher will check students' progress every Monday
* Reports: Every student that does not complete the 6 weekly activities
on time willbe reported with their parents.
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