Continuous Evaluation criteria, August - September:
20% Quiz
20% Speaking ability
20% Projects
30% Classwork
10% Homework
Topics per Subject, Grade and Level.

Contents September
Chapter 1.- Body Organization and Structure.
Section 1.- Body Organization.
* Homeostasis
* The Cell
* Four kinds of tissues, Organs
* 11 Organ systems; how they work togheter
Section 2.- The Skeletal System
* Functions and skeleton structure
* Components: bones, cartilages, tissues
* Bone structure
* Joints
* Skeletal system injuries
Contents September
Unit 1.- All about You
* Vocabulary:
- Personal adjectives
- Negative adjectives
- Modifying adverbs
* Grammar:
- Present simple and continuous
- State verbs: no continuous form
- Verb patterns: verb + infinitive or gerund
Contents September
Chapter .- Interactions among Living Things
Section 1.- Everything is Connected
* Biotic and abiotic parts
* Species and habitats
* Levels of Environmental Organization:
- Organism, population, community, ecosystem, biosphere
Section 2.- Living Things need Energy
* Sun energy, photosynthesis
* Energy groups:
- Producers
- Consumers: Carnivore, herbivore, omnivore (scavenger)
- Decomposers
* Food chain, food web
* Energy pyramid
Contents September
Collection 1 .- The Move Toward Freedom
Reading 1.- My Favorite Chaperone
* Academic and critical vocabulary
* Plot in the story: Exposition, Rising action, climax, falling action, resolution
Reading 2.- Bonne Ann'ee
* Background information ans purpose setting
* Language: Participles
Reading 3.- Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas, an American Slave
* Academic and critical vocabulary
* Analysis: Cause and effect
Contents September
Chapter .- Interactions among Living Things
Section 1.- Everything is Connected
* Biotic and abiotic parts:
- How they interact in the ecosystem
* Species and habitats
* Levels of Environmental Organization:
- Organism, population, community, ecosystem, biosphere
Section 2.- Living Things need Energy
* Sun energy, photosynthesis
* Energy groups:
- Producers
- Consumers: Carnivore, herbivore, omnivore (scavenger)
- Decomposers
* Food chain, food web:
- Similarity and difference
* Energy pyramid
* Balance in Ecosystems
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