Evaluation Criteria May:
50% Classwork.
20% Speaking.
20% Speaking.
20% Attitude.
10% Homework.
Bitácora de Trabajo por Materia, Grado y Nivel.
May Log
Chapter 6.- Body Defenses and Disease
* May cover page
* May contents
* Questionnaire and matching exercises (printed from the blog) that contain:
Causes of disease (infectious and noninfectious), pathogens, pathway of pathogens
(Air, contaminated objects, person to person, animals, food and water), and
ways to control pathogens (pasteurization, vaccines and immunity, antibiotics)
* A diagram to show the concepts in a logical sequence
* Questionnaire and sentence completion (printed from the blog) that contain:
First lines of defense: enzymes, mucus and skin, immune system,
cells of the immune system (macrophage, T cells and B cells, antibodies
and antigens), fever and immunity, memory cells, challenges to the immune
system (allergies and autoimmune disease, cancer, AIDS)
* Answer checking oral and in the notebook.
May Log
Unit 8.- What if...?
* May cover page
* May contents
* Handout (given to students) that contain natural disaster icons to match
with names; questionnaire and exercises on vocabulary (natural disasters,
verbs and adjectives), word skill (verbs im present and past tense).
* Matching and sentence completion (printed from the blog) that contain:
Grammar (second conditional, use if "if" clauses and modal would), grammar:
I wish... (present, past, future)
* Answer checking oral an in the book and notebook.
May Log
Chapter 5.- Energy Resources
* May cover page
* May contents
* Matching and quiestionnaire (printed from the blog) that contain:
Exercises with alternative sources of energy images and names (nuclear energy,
solar energy, chemical energy, solar panels and collectors, wind turbines,
hydroelectric power plant and dams, biomass and gasohol, geothermal energy),
questionnaire on definitions about these sources.
* Matching and quiestionnaire (printed from the blog) that contain:
advantages and disadvantages of these alternatives sources of energy, unit of
measurement of nuclear energy, elements related to geothermal energy (wells,
magma, geysers).
* Answer checking oral and in the notebook.
May Log
Collection 2 .- The Thrill of Horror
* May cover page
* May contents
* Reading and analyzing the lecture Teens Need Jobs, not just Cash
* Questionnaire in the notebook about meaning in context of words and
phrases, difference in writing and oral communication.
* Matching and sentence completion (printed from the blog) that contain:
lecture Teens at work. Analysis on vocabulary bvy giving two options, and
completing the sentences by giving a synonym of the target lexis.
* Answer checking oral and in the notebook.
May Log
Chapter 5.- Energy Resources
* May cover page
* May contents
* Matching and quiestionnaire (printed from the blog) that contain:
Exercises with alternative sources of energy images and names (nuclear energy,
solar energy, chemical energy, solar panels and collectors, wind turbines,
hydroelectric power plant and dams, biomass and gasohol, geothermal energy),
questionnaire on definitions about these sources.
* Matching and quiestionnaire (printed from the blog) that contain:
advantages and disadvantages of these alternatives sources of energy, unit of
measurement of nuclear energy, elements related to geothermal energy (wells,
magma, geysers).
* Answer checking oral and in the notebook.
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