Exam Evaluation Criteria
40% Exam
20% Classwork (Book and notebook)
20% Speaking
20% Homework
Contenidos por materia, grado y nivel Octubre
Bitácora de Actividades Septiembre
October cover page
Evaluation criteria
Chapter 1: A geographer's world
Section 2.- Geography themes and essential elements
* The five themes of Geography
* The six essential elements
Section 3.- The Branches of Geography
* Physycal geography
* Human geography
* Other fields of geography
- Economic, urban, cartography
General cover page
Evaluation criteria
Annual study plan
English Academy rules
September cover page
Chapter 1: A geographer's world
Section 1.- Studying geography
* As a science
* As a social science
* The world as a local, regional and global levels
* The Geographer's tools (map, globe, satellite image, notes)
* Geographic features
Task: Print these two images and bring them to class with some sticker.
October cover page
Evaluation criteria
Unit 1.- All about you
* Grammar:
Verb + infinitive or gerund
Modifying adjectives
* Vocabulary
Negative adjectives
Modifying adverbs
Unit 2.- Winning and Losing
Past simple and Continuous
Verbs: Regular and Irregular past forms
Free time activities
Sports vocabulary
Collocations: sports and games
General cover page
Evaluation criteria
Annual study plan
English Academy rules
September cover page
Unit 1.- All about you
* Grammar:
Present simple and continuous
State verbs; no continuous form
Verb + infinitive or gerund
* Vocabulary
Personality adjectives
Present simple and continuous
State verbs; no continuous form
Verb + infinitive or gerund
* Vocabulary
Personality adjectives
October cover page
Evaluation criteria
Unit 8.- Travel
* Lesson 4: Simple past, negative statements
Unit 9.- Achievements
* Lesson 1: Simple past. Questions and short answers
* Lesson 2: Past time clauses
* Lesson 3: Past progressive
General cover page
Evaluation criteria
Annual study plan
English Academy rules
September cover page
Unit 8.- Travel
* Lesson 1: Simple past of Be, statements
* Lesson 2: Simple past of Be, questions
* Lesson 3: Simple past, affirmative statements
October cover page
Evaluation criteria
Unit 1.- Finding your own place
* Kids like me (interview)
* Familiar places (expository nonfiction)
* Call me María (short story)
* Review on reading strategies for comprehension and lexis
General cover page
Evaluation criteria
Annual study plan
English Academy rules
September cover page
Unit 1.- Finding your own place
* Growing together (personal narrative)
* When I grow up (poem)
* Reading strategies for text comprehension:
predicting, setting a purpose, making inferences, visualizing, synthesizing,
asking questions
*Reading strategies for vocabulary learning:
monitoring, making connections, context clues.
October cover page
Evaluation criteria
Chapter 1.- Interactions among Living Things
Section 3.- Types of Interaction
* Limiting factors and carrying capacity
* Three types of interaction: competition, predation (predator - prey)
and symbiosis
* Predator and prey defense strategies
* Three types of symbiosis: commensalism, mutualism, parasitism
(parasite - host)
* Coevolution
General cover page
Evaluation criteria
Annual study plan
English Academy rules
September cover page
Chapter 1: Interaction among living things
* Biotic and Abiotic factors
* Five levels of Environmental organization
(organism, population, community, ecosystem, biosphere)
* Concepts of species and habitats
Section 2.- Living things need energy
* Concepts of sun energy, photosynsesis,
* Energy groups: producers, consumers, decomposers
* Concept of scavengers
* Food chain and food web
* Energy pyramid
* Balance in ecosystems
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