
" To have another language is to possess another soul."


"Dominar otro idioma es como tener una segunda alma."


viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

You’re about to reach Successl! / Estás a punto de lograr el Exito!

Temario por Materia, Grado y Nivel
Evaluación Continua, Mayo 2013.

Criterios de Evaluación Mayo 2013:

(25%)  Cuaderno: Márgenes, fecha, número de ejercicio, ejercicios completos y
             bien desarrollados, presentación impecablemente limpia y clara.
(25%)  Libro: Fecha, número de ejercicio, ejercicios completos y
             bien desarrollados, presentación impecablemente limpia y clara.
(50%) Trabajo en clase y Práctica Oral: Uso del idioma inglés en clase, interacción
             con la profesora y compañeros, repetición oral, expresión libre, trabajo
             en la totalidad del tiempo de clase.
100% Total de la calificación.

Use of English 1er grado, Preliminary Sec. IV y V 

Unit 6.- Eat for Life. (page 46 to 52)
* Quantifiers some and any

Unit 7.- Learning Languages. (page 54 to 59)
* Comparative adjectives

* Vocabulary about “learning” in context 
* Superlative Adjectives 
Unit 8.- We’re going on Holiday. (page 60 to 66)
* Present continuous for future arrangements
* Future Time Expressions
* Vocabulary on holiday activities

Science, Human Body, 1er grado, Upper Level Sec. VI y VII

Chapter 4.- Communication and Control
Section 2.- Responding to the Environment. (page 88 to 92)
* The sense of touch; responding to sensory messages
* Closer look to sense of sight
* How the sense of hearing works
* Senses of taste and smell
Section 3.- (The Endocrine System) (page 94 to 97)
* Endocrine system definition and functions
* Hormones as chemical messages
* Endocrine glands and their functions
* Control and imbalance
Chapter 6.- Body Defenses and Disease.  
Section 1.- Disease. (page 132 to 135)
* Causes of disease (infectious and non infectious)
* Pathway of pathogens (how they spread)
* Putting pathogens in their place (pasteurization, vaccination, antibiotics)
Science, Environmental, 2nd grado, Upper Sec. IV, Pre High Sec. VI
Chapter 5.- Energy Resources.  
Section 1.- Natural Resources. (page 102 to 105)
* Earth’s resources (natural r.)
* Renewable and non renewable resources
* Conserving resources
Section 2.- Fossil fuels. (page 106 to 113)
* Energy resources: fossil fuel definition.
* Kinds of fuels: petroleum, natural gas, coal
* Fossil fuels formation
* Problems with fossil fuels   
Section 3.- Alternative resources. (page 104 to 120)
* Nuclear energy: fission and fusion
* Chemical, solar, wind energy
* Hydroelectric power plants
* Geothermal energy
Use of English 2do grado, Higher Sec. VII y VIII
Unit 7.- Disasters. (page 54 to 59)
* Vocabulary about natural disasters
* Passive voice in past tense
* Articles a / an / the / zero
Unit 8.- Ways of Living. (page 60 to 66)
* Too much / too many / (not) enough
* Vocabulary about homes
* Future “will” versus “be going to”
Unit 9.- Your Mind. (page 60 to 66)
* Determiners everyone, no one, someone, etc
* Vocabulary about “thinking” in context

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