
" To have another language is to possess another soul."


"Dominar otro idioma es como tener una segunda alma."


martes, 21 de enero de 2020

Prepare Yourself with Love and Enthusiasm! / Prepárate con Amor y Entusiasmo!

Evaluation Criteria Science                Evaluation Criteria Literature

10%  Classwork                                         50% Reading Plus  
10%  Speaking Ability                               50% Exam
10%  Homework                                        
70%  Exam                                                

Temarios de examen para Febrero por Materia, Grado y Nivel


February Test Guide


Chapter 1.- Particles and their behavior.

* States of matter: definition, properties, examples and graphics 
  (solid, liquid, gas, plasma)
* Reversible changes in matter: melting and melting point, freezing  
   and freezing point, boiling and boiling point. 
* Evaporation, condensation, sublimation definitions
* Difussion, gas pressure definitions

Chapter 2.- Elements, atoms and compounds

* Elements: definition, examples and chemical symbols (page 31, page 39)
* Atom: number of types in nature
* Compound and molecule definition, examples and graphics
* Chemical formula definition and examples

Chapter 3.- Reactions

* Chemical reactions:
   (definition, reversible, not reversible, clues to find it, uses, speed, catalysts,
      physical and chemical changes, drawings in notebook)
* Word equations:
   (definition, reactants and products, word equations, hazard, risk)
* Burning fuels:
   (definition, examples, combustion, coal, petrol, fossil fuels, hydrogen, oxidation,
* Thermal decomposition:
   (definition of decomposition, hydrogen peroxide, thermal decomposition, 
   examples of carbonates)
* Conservation of mass:
   (definition, energy, energy transfer, balanced symbol equation, examples)

Chapter 4.- Acids and alkalis

* Acids: definition and examples. 
* Alkalis: definition and examples.
Ph: definition and values for acids, alkalis and neutral solutions.
* Concentrate and dilute solutions
* Neutralisation: definition and process.
* Base: definition and examples
* Salts: definition, composition and examples

Note: Study all notes, drawings and questionnaires in book and notebook.

CHEMISTRY C1 Unit Opener  (Contents)

Chapter 4.- Acids and Alkalis
4.3 Neutralization:
      Base solutions

4.4 Making salts:
      Acids and metals

CHEMISTRY C2 Unit Opener

Chapter 1.- Metals and non-metals
1.1 Metals and non-metals, 
     Periodic table

Guide to Frebruary exam. Provision and practice.


February Test Guide.

CHAPTER 1.Perseverance 

* Around the World in Eighty Days (chapter XX) Lecture and vocabulary 

* Jules Verne Bioggraphy
Literary analysis: 
* Lecture characters: Phileas Fog, Aouda, Detective Fix, Passepartout servant 
   and Tankadere's Captain John Busby.

Grammar Review:
* Regular and Irregular verbs in present, past, and past participle

Linguistic Study:  
* Definition and benefits of bilingualism, minimal pairs, cognates; examples
   (pages 24, 25, 31 with numbers)

CHAPTER 2.Possibilities

*  "A Sound of Thunder" (By Ray Bradbury) Lecture and vocabulary 
* Ray Bradbury biographyGrammar Review:
* Adverbs: definition, examples. Adverbs finished in "-ly" and not containing it, 
* Gerunds: definition, examples and use in context.

Written expression:  
* The essay: definition, thesis and supporting statements, types of essay
   (page 52)

CHAPTER 3.- Creation 

*  "Frankenstein or the modern Prometheus" (By Mary Shelley)  

* Mary Shelley biography
Grammar Review:
* Adverbs: definition, examples. Adverbs finished in "-ly" and not containing it, 

Written expression:  
* The essay: definition, thesis and supporting statements, types of essay
   (page 52)

CHAPTER 4.Consequences  

*  "Crime and Punishment"  
* Fiodor M. Dostoevsky biography

Literary analysis: 
* Euphemisms

Linguistic Study
* Image and word association

Reading Plus activities:

* Weekly work: Six activities
* Work time: 30 minutes on Monday and 30 minutes on Wednesday
* Grade: The usage of the platform will be considered 
* Checking: The teacher will check students' progress every Monday
* Reports: Every student that does not complete the 6 weekly activities
                    on time willbe reported with their parents.

NOTE: Study all notes in book and notebook.


CHAPTER 4.Consequences   (Contents)

*  "Crime and Punishment"  

Literary analysis: 
* Euphemisms

Linguistic Study
* Image and word association

Written expression:  
* The murder in the Rue morgue

Guide to February exam. Provision and practice.

Reading Plus activities:

* Weekly work: Six activities
* Work time: 30 minutes on Monday and 30 minutes on Wednesday
* Grade: The usage of the platform will be considered 
* Checking: The teacher will check students' progress every Monday
* Reports: Every student that does not complete the 6 weekly activities
                    on time willbe reported with their parents.


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